The book we used for the theme of my son's graduation party was Yay, You! by Sandra Boynton. It is a fun book and we used excerpts from it in almost everything we did ...

the cake

the table decorations

the envelope box and the invitations (sorry no pix of the invites).
The most fun was trying to grow the grass for the table decorations. We planted the grass in cut off plastic cups a month ahead of time. The grass began growing after 3 days. After several hair cuts it wasn't looking too good. We pitched it and planted more about 10 days before the party. We let it grow and didn't give it a hair cut until the night before the party and it looked wonderful!

The highlight of the party was the chocolate fountain. To dunk in the chocolate, we served strawberries, maraschino cherries, marshmallows, wafer cookies, pretzels, caramels, and cream puffs.
The weather was beautiful and a great time was had by all!
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