Last weekend I was lucky enough to go to an auction with my mom and the weekend before I went to an auction with my daughter ... what fun! Tins/bottles/boxes seemed to be in the cards for me both weekends. Here are some of my finds...

Some of them I've already put in my etsy store, some I will have up on ebay and some I'm keeping for myself.

The one that I just adore is this pink cardboard prescription pill box ... it's just so cute. It is very small measuring 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 5/8" and still has the prescription label intact. There is no date on the label so I did a little research and found that the Meyer Brother's & Co. existed in the late 1800's and early 1900's but can't find when they went out of business. Since I didn't get anywhere with the company search, I searched to see when cardboard prescription boxes were made and found anywhere from the 1930's - 1960's. Based on some of the boxes I saw, I would guess this box to be from the 1960's.

Judson Thomson Slotted Clinch Rivet tin is kind of catchy with it's black text, product image, and yellow background. It contains directions on the back for driving and clinching the Thomson slotted clinch rivet. The Judson L. Thomson manufacturing company was in business in Waltham, MA in the late 1800's, they were in violation of section 3 of the Clayton Act in 1944, and they made improvements to the automatic riveting machine in 1962. Too bad there were no rivets in this tin to add to the charm.
I just love old tins and their history.